Thursday, May 6, 2010

Event for May

8th May 2010, 1700 Hrs

About the Discussion

" In people's minds, education is synonymous with schooling. This equating is sad, for it has robbed it of its core meaning and deeper importance in human society, as my experience exploring multiple facets of 'Learning' for the last 13 years at Manzil brings out.

I'd like to share my learnings about 'Learning', and lead up to Design as a common connecting link between my work and architecture. Institutional learning spaces like school or those of higher education are really designed 'structures' addressing the human need for systematic learning, just as buildings are designed structures addressing the human need for systematic management of space.

I'd like to explore how both are burdened by past legacies that obstruct bringing new learnings into our practice, and jointly explore how we can go past. I'd like to especially focus on the particularly harsh effects of this 'business-as-usual' continuation on our planet's operating system (ecology) that we are only beginning to understand. "

About the Speaker
Ravi Gulati

He is an Indian social activist who runs the Delhi based NGO, "Manzil" which gives school tuitions to the underprivileged. He graduated with an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad. Ravi Gulati began his corporate career in Canada only to give up eight months later. He returned to pursue a hands-on course in Environment Education from CEE, Ahmedabad. He was then involved with Trees for Life (later HIMCON), an NGO working with rural Himalayan communities. He is a board member of Jansamarth, an NGO working in remote Himalayan villages for generating electricity through micro-hydro power plants for lighting and livelihoods.

At the arch i camp at: 150,2nd Floor, Kailash HIlls. New Delhi-110065
Date: 08 May 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 1700 Hrs